The CAFlood system originated from a three-year EPSRC-funded research (EP/H015736/1) grant at the Centre for Water Systems and Computer Science at the University of Exeter.

Professor Dragan Savic FREng is Professor of Hydroinformatics at the University of Exeter and CEO of KWR Water in the Netherlands. Dragan has been leading research and innovating new solutions for the water sector for almost 30 years and was the principal investigator of the initial EPSRC grant that developed CAFlood.

Professor Ed Keedwell is Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Exeter. Ed has developed artificial intelligence tools and approaches for application in engineering fields including water distribution network optimisation, flood simulation and machine learning for sewer management. He was a co-investigator on the initial EPSRC grant with Prof. Savic.

Professor Slobodan Djordjevic is Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at the University of Exeter. He has worked on the development and application of advanced methodologies and software tools for water management, drainage and floods simulation and their various impacts on infrastructure and society. Along with Ed, he was a co-investigator on the initial EPSRC grant that underpins CAFlood.

Dr Albert Chen is a Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Water Systems at the University of Exeter. Albert’s main research focuses on Water and Human Environment, including water resources, hydrology and hydraulic modelling, urban drainage and flood forecasting. He has been heavily involved in the development and application of CAFlood for a number of years.

Dr Mike Gibson is a Research Fellow at the University of Exeter and an experienced developer. Mike worked on using AI for CA flooding simulation as part of his PhD and has been involved in the development of the CAFlood tools for both CPU and GPU systems. He is currently working on updates, applications and research for the CAFlood system.