Torbay Council adopted CAFlood, as a part of the EU H2020 EU-CIRCLE project, for high-resolution holistic flood risk assessment in Torquay, Paignton and Brixham under multiple current and future climate conditions, with both pluvial and coastal flooding. The application enabled comprehensive analyses of the effectiveness of various adaptation measures such as raising the existing or adding a secondary flood wall with different height options. The evidence helped Torbay Council to secure £3m government funding for a flood management scheme that will safeguard more than 3,000 people in 700 residential households, 330 commercial properties and 165 hotels.

Location of the Torbay case study (left) in the South West of England; Torquay, Paignton and Brixham (right)

The discharge profiles for 1 in 200-year overtopping event (left) for various coastal sections for Paignton (right)

Flood extents of 1 in 100-year return period pluvial event (left) and 1 in-200 year return period overtopping event (right) for the present scenario

Flood extents of a 1 in 200-year coastal overtopping event with 50 years climate change: (Left) no seal wall, (Right) sea wall option

Google Earth Visualisation – Paignton coastal flooding

Google Earth Visualisation – Paignton pluvial flooding
Overview of 3D virtual table with narrative and interactive elements for the Millbrook serious game

(Left) close-up of 3D visualisation of flooding depths; (right) Overview of serious game flooding visualisation and interactive sections