- About Us The CAFlood system originated from a three-year EPSRC-funded research grant at the Centre for Water Systems and Computer Science at the University of Exeter.
- Accessibility This website has been built to comply with internationally accepted web standards
CAFlood Software
Compare CAFlood Packages and benefits
- CADDIES – Download Access free downloads of the basic open-source, free version of the CAFloodPRO system.
- CAFloodPRO Consultancy and Contract Research Enquiry Complete the form to and we will get back to you to discuss your requirements further.
- CAFloodPRO – Enquiry License the full professional version of CAFlood's high-speed AI-based flood modelling system
- Case Studies More than 100 international government organisations, industry, and academic users have adopted CAFlood for a wide range of flood risk management applications.
- Contact Get in touch with our friendly and experienced team
- FAQs Get the answers to some of our most asked questions
- Features & Benefits Find out how our modelling system can help.
- Home Achieving fast flood modelling for large-scale problems using modern hardware with parallel capabilities.
- Privacy Policy This privacy policy outlines how the University of Exeter collects, uses and protects information about you when you access the University’s website.